Noah Milligan
Coming Soon - Into Captivity They Will Go
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For any book about end-of-the-world cults, it would be tempting to stick to archetypes, easy jokes, and well-worn clichés. Yet the characters and motivations of Into Captivity They Will Go were human, compelling, and unnervingly familiar. The second-coming of the messiah and his enthusiastic mother aren't insane or deceptive, just damaged and optimistic. How Noah Milligan manages to evoke such authenticity and compassion in a story of this kind is a literary magic trick that'll convert even the most cynical. —Charles Martin, Creative Director of Literati Press Comics & Novels Noah Milligan commands this novel with expert instincts, a deep consideration for language, and with his feet planted firmly within a world both tragic and all too familiar. Into Captivity They Will Go explores family and trust and what can happen when those two things part ways. If there's a more honest book written this year, I'd like to see it. —Sheldon Lee Compton, author of The Same Terrible Storm |